What was the BIGGEST MOMENT of 2016 for You?

There were so many BIG MOMENTS that it has taken me DAYS to figure out which might have been the biggest, so I have decided to reach out to YOU the reader for your input. Add what YOU consider to be the Biggest Moment of 2016 to the comment area and check my posts at @VaccineFreeNYC on Facebook and Twitter.

“VAXXED” and the CDC Rally revealed these STARS:
~ Dr. Stephanie Seneff & Kerra Icansketchu: http://tobtr.com/s/9408719
~ Sheila Lewis Ealey: http://tobtr.com/s/9135085
~ Sherrie Saunders: http://tobtr.com/s/9678949

There were unbelievable RULES & REGS imposed by our “authorities”.  These are merely the most recent:
1) Executive Order Advancing Global Health Security Agenda

2) Standing Orders to Vaccinate Adults
3) 21st Century Cures Act: Say Goodbye to Vaccine Safety Science http://www.activistpost.com/2016/12/hr-34-21st-century-cures-act-time-for-real-push-back-now-or-regret-it.html & http://www.nvic.org/nvic-vaccine-news/july-2015/21st-century-cures-act-eliminates-good-science.aspx
4) “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” (Censorship) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iLpKPK2ZdA and other sources: https://www.facebook.com/notes/sallie-o-elkordy-for-mayor-vaccine-free-nyc/while-you-celebrated-christmas-the-first-ammendment-disappeared/1585330651483247

If we do not STAND NOW for pregnant women, there will be NO FUTURE for HUMANITY. With the increase in recommended and allowable vaccines for PREGNANT women, there could be as many as 8 doses administered (recommended: Flu+DTaP=4 doses and allowable: Hep A+Hep B+ Meningitis+Pnuemonia=4, Total=8). Please LISTEN to this interview with Mary E. Tocco if you are pregnant or considering having a baby (or know someone who is or might): http://tobtr.com/s/9197435. Remember that the flu shot alone (survey from the NCOW) yielded a rise in fetal distress/death by 4,250%.

Witness the FALLOUT from SB277 with a rise of 17% in autism since it came into effect: http://investmentwatchblog.com/autism-rates-in-california-skyrocket-following-mandatory-vaccine-bill/

Thanks to all who participated in the “REAL Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study”, please listen to 10 parents who’ve raised both: https://brightfuture83.wordpress.com/2016/12/19/the-real-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-study-on-the-mary-and-sallie-show/

*** The Greatest Threat in 2017 in the USA is CA State Senator Pan’s new bill SB18. I will be conducting as many interviews on this subject as I have airtime on my radio show! We are talking about CHILD STEALING BY THE STATE. Contact me if you wish to weigh in on this all-important issue. The more people who will speak against this the better. https://www.facebook.com/notes/sallie-o-elkordy-for-mayor-vaccine-free-nyc/state-owned-kids-defeat-sb18/1585284594821186 ***

~ My dear friend and reverser of vaccine induced diseases, Dr. Rebecca Carley is in JAIL. As you know, many holistic doctors have died over the past year and she is lucky to count herself among the living. She speaks here of sleep deprivation and being cut off from her computer (and thusly her source of income) which were two key factors that led to her current situation: http://tobtr.com/s/9134767. Please WRITE TO HER in prison or send her a soft-cover book, these are both allowable (Rebecca Carley ~ Catawba County Detention Center ~ P. O. Box 385 ~ Newton, NC 28658). Contact me if you can do more.
~ My friend and fellow activist is dying from cancer “treatment” which is a personal tragedy since we distributed stickers, cards and flyers for many years together. Say a prayer for KEVIN, child survival advocate.
~ A woman I barely knew, but related to profoundly has passed, An Autism Mother protecting her child (publicly and with purpose) died in a car crash the very day she made the the front page of her local paper in protest. As the interview is titled, “May 1,000 RISE in Her Place!”. Remembering Pam McKeon with Stephanie Fetzer: http://tobtr.com/s/9228121 (background sounds came from the station).

Thank you to the 50 Americans, representing 30 States who stood to call for a NATIONAL MORATORIUM ON VACCINATION NOW. It took all my courage to bring a call for same directly to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee at the Department of Health and Human Services. One day I will write a book and you will be amazed!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGyz177n9Uo&list=PLh_Mo9_9KQEKCib155Pm_mj8eUgRwg6Wy&index=4

There are at least 100 moments to choose from this year as the most important but if you can single one out, I will be seriously impressed. Check previous petition updates (http://tinyurl.com/vaccinefree2015) to fill in the blanks and also check my blog at https://BrightFuture83.wordpress.com. Since 2016 was basically AN-ATROCITY-A-MINUTE, I wish you luck.

Now for some traditional carols to remind us of the beauty of the season: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoZV8AEgTco

Justice in 2017!, Sallie O. Elkordy

P. S. Don’t forget to add your pick for “Biggest Moment in 2016” to the comment area beneath. Take your time, there is much to reflect upon.

P. P. S. If you are near NY or know young people there, please extend an invitation to them for “PARENTING 101” Lecture with Mary Pulles Cavanaugh, Donna Knepple, Davette E. Phillips and 2 other Mothers of vaccine injured children have been invited to speak, Donna L. Delikat and Dawn Havas on July 7th from 5pm in midtown Manhattan. EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/291407687928037/

REAL Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study on “The Mary and Sallie Show” + Legislative Update + “Parenting 101” in NYC Monthly starting 1/7/17.

Parents of vaccine injured children have shared their realities with me since 2011 on “The Mary and Sallie Show” (http://tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeRadio).  Even though I have interviewed countless experts, the transformations these parents have witnessed and live with TRUMPS EVERYTHING ELSE.  This compilation of interviews comes in response to the recent censorship of a *study on a group vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Let’s embark on “The REAL Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study” by listening to a Dozen interviews with Parents who’ve given birth to and raised both:

1) Amanda Kaye reported on the well-being of her vaccinated and unvaccinated children on 4/26/16: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow/2016/04/26/vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed-study-with-amanda-kaye-host-sallie-o-elkordy
2) Tasha David’s in-home study of 8 children, six vaccinated and two unvaccinated 10/18/16: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow/2016/10/18/tasha-davids-in-home-vax-vs-unvax-study-cdc-rally-report-sallie-o-elkordy
3-6) Four Mothers of Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Children and their in-home studies: http://tobtr.com/s/9651053 ~ Alisa Pittaluga, Natasha Klamm, Michele Webb Zollars and Andrea Venezio
7) Jill Rumbaugh Friends, the Mother of three children, some Vaccinated and Unvaccinated: http://tobtr.com/s/9655503
8) Daniella Kunz called into a program with Sherrie Saunders and shared an impromptu vaccinated vs. unvaccinated assessment of her own children, raising both: http://tobtr.com/s/9678949
9)  Davette E. Phillips on her Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children on 12/20/16 http://tobtr.com/9679581.
10) Lisa Kathleen Lasker gives a unique perspective on Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated children having been raised by a Pathologist, her father: http://tobtr.com/s/9701251
11) Lynn and David Hopkins lost a child and didn’t vaccinate the younger ones and they are all thriving along with their unvaccinated grandchildren: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow/2015/09/08/vaccines-kill-lynn-david-hopkins-parents-of-hanna-clare-host-sallie-elkordy
12) Stefanie Duncan Fetzer describes her children, vaccinated and unvaccinated: http://tobtr.com/s/9228121 during a memorial tribute to Autism Mother and Activist Pam McKeon. The many audible interruptions during this show (children yelling, honks, music and bronx cheers) all came from an unidentified source and couldn’t have been less appropriate to the purpose of the interview.
Many thanks to U. S. Representatives Bill Posey and Carolyn Maloney for co-sponsoring a Congressional bill to conduct a study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. Parents of vaccine injured children reached out to their Congressmen to co-sponsor this bill, but to no avail.
*** UPDATE!!!  As of 2017, Congressman Posey has sponsored HR3615 (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study), a bill which requires CO-SPONSORS.  That’s where WE come in: http://Tinyurl.com/HR3615 (please take 3 Actions at that link). ***
There was a survey conducted in Germany, which I handed to Representative Posey’s then Chief of Staff, Stuart Burn on April 23, 2013 when we met and spoke for over two hours. This article, written by Paul Fassa was part the second legislation to Ban Vaccines I proposed to Congress in 2013 and is identical to the third bill proposed in 2015 (see article under ”IMPORTANT” here: http://TinyURL.com/VaccineFree2015).
*Since a recent “Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study” was pulled from the web (see Catherine Frompovich’s article http://www.activistpost.com/2016/12/vaccinated-versus-unvaccinated-children-2016-health-study-pulled-from-publication.html), I was inspired to conduct my own study.  *** UPDATE:  STUDY which VANISHED returns in this Article: https://healthcareinamerica.us/censored-study-of-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-sees-daylight-4be6f3a03c1c#.8nq5j58h9. ***
Legislative Update:  HR34, “The 21st Century Cures Act” Passed: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-house-of-representatives-sponsor-vaccine-free-2015-legislation-due-to-poisonous-ingredients-diseases-resulting-and-intent-to-harm/u/18729671 ~ Article by Catherine Frompovich on HR34: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/12/hr-34-21st-century-cures-act-time-for-real-push-back-now-or-regret-it.html ~ Excellent interview on HR34 with host Candyce Estave and guest Christina Hildebrand (continues with update on the RICO lawsuit to stop SB277 at 22 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=wNucH7no1bU ~ Interview on California’s Pan-proposed SB18 with Karri Lewis + Dr. Rebecca Carley of ReversingVIDS.com and Sheldon Day:  http://tobtr.com/9681665
I will be conducting “Parenting 101” Classes in NYC monthly throughout 2017.  January 7th at 5pm will be our first https://www.facebook.com/events/291407687928037/.  Leave me a message (here: @VaccineFreeNYC on FB or Twitter) to speak at future classes to instruct young people and newlyweds especially. Mary Pulles Cavanaugh, author of “The Book On Greatness” will be our first speaker and she may be joined by several other parents of vaccine injured children on that date.  Stay in touch, especially if you live near NYC to keep abreast of upcoming Lectures & Actions.
To a reality-changing 2017!,  Sallie O. Elkordy
(contact me on Facebook or Twitter @VaccineFreeNYC)

Ring in the New Year with Madame Ghis! ~ formerly Dr. Lanctot and author of “The Medical Mafia”

TRANSFORMATIVE Interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow/2016/12/13/madame-ghis-workshop-on-idessity-in-everyday-life-1228-13-host-sallie-elkordy

ATTEND Madame Ghis’ 7 Day Workshop on Idessity in Everyday Life in  from 12/28/16 thru 1/3/17 in Canada (registration is still open): http://personocratia.com/en/calendrier/