Grande Dames of Vaccine Truth: Doctors Scheibner, Lanctot, Carley & Banks

Since we currently have 76 doses of vaccines for children through the age of 18 and parents are not informed that vaccines are dangerous and that they may reject them, we are working against time to get the truth out swiftly to save humanity.  I share with you four medical professionals I would trust with my own children:  Viera Scheibner, PhD (Australia); Madame Ghis (Canada, formerly Dr. Lanctot); Dr. Rebecca Carley (USA); and Dr. Nancy Banks (Mexico).  If you listen to all four you will learn everything you need to know about vaccination in merely 3 hours.  Get a pen!

While these ladies are worldly and wise, I ask you also to listen to a Nurse who lost her baby due to ignorance.  It is a tragedy (among so many others; as Dr. Schiebner states, 15% of our infants are dying) which could have been averted were the TRUTH being professed when she was educated as a nurse, or by a pediatrician as a patient:  You will learn how parents (and even health professionals) are being duped into allowing their children to be injected with poisonous vaccines.

I have been sending a bill to BAN VACCINES to legislators and government agencies since 2009 (and now as an Executive Order proposed to President Trump for 2017).  This can be printed on one sheet of paper and passed out in the streets, in playgrounds or at the beach.  Yes, it’s THAT URGENT! ~ Let’s go!

To LIFE!, Sallie O. Elkordy

P. S. Don’t let the fake science fool you, the world is NOT overpopulated and we would be FORTUNATE to have a Billion Toddlers!  Since  the above artwork was designed in 2012, we have significantly less!  Young women are becoming sterile early thanks to the HPV vaccine, pregnant women are miscarrying thanks to the flu shot and DTaP vaccines and babies are dying in infancy at an alarming rate thanks to 33 doses in year one!  Vaccine-induced autism used to be the greatest threat, but now children are not surviving long enough to get autism!!!

Posey, Posey, He’s Our Man! Contact your U. S. Representative to CO-SPONSOR HR3615.

Here are THREE WAYS you can take action to gain CO-SPONSORS for Congressman Bill Posey’s bill HR3615, a Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study:

Twelve interviews with families who have both vaccinated and unvaccinated children:

2015 Video Homage to Congressman Posey and others standing up for the well-being and survival of Children (Birrell-Scotland, Kennedy-USA, Mooney-Ireland).  Following that is a video of pro-bono attorney Aaron Siri’s press conference after he overturned the previously mandated flu shot for children in NYC.  This video was included to clarify the first video so parents in NYC don’t think their children are still required to get the flu shot to attend school, when they are NOT.

Summary: H.R.3615 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)  H.R.3615 – To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct or support a comprehensive study comparing total health outcomes, including risk of autism, in vaccinated populations in the United States with such outcomes in unvaccinated populations in the United States, and for other purposes.  On July 28, 2017, HR3615 was referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  If your Congressman is among the Committee members, try to get an appointment to meet with her/him:

Currently there are no co-sponsors on HR3615, so please contact your Congressman and ask her/him to co-sponsor this bill and/or support it when it comes to a vote.  I requested to meet with my legislator about “Co-Sponsoring HR3615”.  Here is where you can locate your U. S. Representative:

Thanks to Irene Pi for bringing this bill to my attention.

The only SAFE regulation for Vaccines is a BAN,

Sallie O. Elkordy @VaccineFreeNYC.

P. S. 2017:  August through October EVENTS and ACTIONS

P. P. S. This is from Autism Action Network who is also calling for people to contact their federal legislators to ask them to co-sponsor HR3615 and if you fill in the form, it will also go to your US Senators as well as your US Representative:[capwiz:queue_id].  Having sent my own and then this one too, I have not received a response to either. Let me know if you do please at  Perhaps if anyone gets a meeting, those who are promoting it, can together meet with a legislator who agrees to meet regarding co-sponsoring this bill.  They are not required to pay attention to anyone but their own constituents, but showing up in numbers works.

P. P. S. Printable bill HR3615 in PDF format: