What is Courage?

The most courageous people I know are tiny. These babies are forced to endure 33 doses of vaccines in infancy. Many die. Back in 2017, I interviewed ten parents in one week who had lost their babies to vaccination. I don’t think even one of them got an apology from their pediatrician. Instead, several were investigated for murdering their children when their only crime was taking their child for a “well baby check up” wherein multiple shots were administered at once.

There is no box for a coroner to check; indicating that a child passed from vaccination, yet *79.4% of children who die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) received a vaccination the same day they died. In many instances, the baby never woke up on the day after the injections. This could only increase the percentage of vaccine-induced SIDS, aka VIDS (vaccine induced death syndrome).

People are worried about the COVID vaccine while the “Vaccine Aware” are trying to stop infant deaths that are transpiring while the COVID vaccine is STILL being developed. We have a much bigger dilemma than the COVID shot may ever amount to, and that is the loss of our babies to vaccines.

I heard yesterday that in Japan, they don’t vaccinate until a child is 3 years old and have no SIDS and no Autism. That’s worth looking at, don’t you think? We’re losing 15% of our infants (viera.scheibner@gmail.com https://www.bitchute.com/video/HuzVxChIQFie/) and 1 in 36 children who survive are autistic. Two thirds of the childhood vaccines are injected within the first two years of life!

Adults must start acting like adults. They must set aside their own issues and FOCUS on protecting the FUTURE. Authorities cannot be trusted, in fact they are the reason our children are dying. As Dr. Lanctot says, “When asked, 80% of people say they don’t trust politicians and only 8% don’t trust doctors. What they don’t realize is that doctors take their marching orders from politicians.”

Did you know that Dr. Boyd Haley said, “One shot to a six pound infant is the equivalent of 30 shots on the same day to a 180 pound adult.”?

Do you realize that pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky stated at a recent Connecticut hearing, ‘My unvaccinated patients are the healthiest, the partially vaccinated are sicker and the fully vaccinated are the sickest.’? (see Tinyurl.com/HealthyUnvaxxed)

Here is a petition to Congress requesting a bill for a “National Memorial to Vaccine Victims to be placed on the Mall in Washington, DC in 2020”. Please sign it: Tinyurl.com/VVM2020. Why would it be placed among the memorials to soldiers? Because Congress declared war on our children when they passed the 1986 Act which lifted product liability from vaccine manufacturers and administrators of vaccines. The vaccine schedule has tripled since then and is 15 times what it was when I was a child in the sixties. Over 70 doses through the age of 18.

The components are unsafe (Tinyurl.com/VaccineContents) and no matter what they contain, vaccines can never be effective (Dr. Shiva Ayadurrai explains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYQ0lwzFgu8).

So beyond murdering our children immediately or injuring and seeing them die before their time, or sterilizing them so they will never procreate, exactly WHAT is the purpose of vaccination?

Here are many facts and 50 interviews with bereaved parents for your edification: Tinyurl.com/YellowVax.

2014 ~ “Vaccine Mandates? FIGHT City Hall!” (press conference) https://www.brighteon.com/efe84fd1-e9de-4a1e-9ece-60f8d991fa6d

2016 ~ “Call for a National Moratorium on Vaccination Now” (DHHS)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGyz177n9Uo

Addressing the National Vaccine Advisory Committee at the US Department of HHS

2017 ~ “End Vaccine Violence” (educational event) https://www.bitchute.com/video/0R3USyCdJg9Y/

2020 ~ “Peculiar Blessing” (interview about COVID) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXBgjfEY49I

The only SAFE regulation for vaccines is a BAN,

Sallie O. Elkordy (Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeNYC)

*NIH: Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997-2013
RESULTS: “VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children. Median age was 0.5 years (range, 0-100 years); males accounted for 1226 (57%) reports. The total annual number of death reports generally decreased during the latter part of the study period. Most common causes of death among 1244 child reports with available death certificates/autopsy reports included:
• sudden infant death syndrome (n = 544 [44%]), 
• asphyxia (n = 74 [6.0%]), 
• septicemia (n = 61 [4.9%]), and 
• pneumonia (n = 57 [4.6%]). 
For child death reports, 79.4% received >1 vaccine on the same day.”
Thank you Walter Kryshak for this important data.

7 thoughts on “What is Courage?”


    HANDOUT from Annie Logical (print at 135%): http://Tinyurl.com/CV19-FactsNotFear.

    I have promised many of you different videos and I think I have included all those promised here:

    Frontline Doctors Oct. 17th RETURN to the Steps of the US Supreme Court: https://www.bitchute.com/video/U3x4RsWk6COF/

    Sherrie Saunders on MASKS: https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/vaccine-free-america-w-sallie-elkordy-june-27-2020/ and Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan: http://tobtr.com/11776658 and *Unmasking the Maskholes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tJxy0EDF2Ui3/

    *TEST, by Spiro: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d7eF5vDATxBq/ & https://www.facebook.com/lukepompey/videos/10164242481825246

    *CONTACT TRACER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFUyZWw7qoc

    VACCINE with Sandy Lunoe: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xqkcYLlVk3YM/ and more at 13 minutes into video with Dr. Carrie https://www.brighteon.com/0c53b116-3c78-4a88-ac0a-91bac39e40c0

    MEDICAL HOAX delineated with Dr. Leonard Coldwell: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2YCACFoKHPXJ/ and more from RS Bell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wnebWS7Dzc

    VIRUS with Dr. David O. Young: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3w-kCFHpzA and Dr. Andy Kaufman: http://tobtr.com/11774804

    The TRANCE, Spiritual Battle & LAWSUITS (adding more as we go): http://Tinyurl.com/CovidTrance & Basis for Alfred’s Int’l Tribunal https://www.bitchute.com/video/u0hbt56jVFOe/ + Ohio/Renz (http://tobtr.com/11824591) + MI/Henry-Jones (http://tobtr.com/11829303)

    Outrageous Legislation (Mother), Priest, Minister, Newscaster, Activist/Musician: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/publicadvocate/2020/09/28/ny-assembly-bill-a99-is-in-health-committee-now—host-sallie-o-elkordy

    Peculiar Blessing with Sallie Elkordy https://youtu.be/SXBgjfEY49I

    Fake News (ShadowGate 2.0, with Millenial Millie): https://www.bitchute.com/video/HYTGR7CmA4Wl/

    GAIN OF FUNCTION (Eileen says watch from 5 hours/3minutes): https://vaccineliberationarmy.com/2020/10/19/bioweaponizing-and-gain-of-function-research-insider-videos-of-the-conferences/

    *You Got SERVED https://www.facebook.com/sandra.efraimson/videos/10223657743573925 + Peggy Hall on Arresting the Perps! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80VB53-zsxA. See http://TheHealthyAmerican.org

    I recommend Ron Paul’s Liberty Report on YouTube. He doesn’t miss a beat.

    Comprehensive: https://humansarefree.com/2020/09/proof-covid-19-planned-new-world-order.html

    *4 have asterisks cause I have recommended them most (but never had them at my fingertips when I did).


  2. Petitions to Congress from 2009 to 2020 and Addressing International UNICEF, Princeton & HHS’s NVAC:
    ~ 2009: “All Vaccines Are Banned” https://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/all-vaccines-are-banned/
    ~ 2009: NYC & Buffalo “Vaccine Realities Tour” to stop increases and mandates in NY State
    ~ 2010: “Vaccine Victims Memorial on the Mall in Washington, DC” (see 2020 update)
    ~ 2013: International UNICEF to stop triple oral polio in Syria & Princeton to stop experimental Meningitis vaccine
    ~ 2013: “Ban Vaccines 2013” same as…
    ~ 2015: “Vaccine Free 2015 http://Tinyurl.com/VaccineFree2015
    ~ 2016: NVAC address “National Moratorium on Vaccination” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGyz177n9Uo
    ~ 2017: US Representatives co-sponsor HR 3615: http://Tinyurl.com/HR3615
    ~ 2020: “National Memorial to Vaccine Victims”: http://Tinyurl.com/VVM2020


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