Evidence, Evidence, Evidence ~ Why doesn’t it matter?

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06yja21V7xg

Evidence: https://vaccineimpact.com/2020/study-covid-19-fatality-fate-worst-miscalculation-in-the-history-of-humanity/

Evidence: https://www.brighteon.com/20fba6f9-f0ce-4d28-b8ce-41ba024b9909

I asked in the title, “Why doesn’t it matter?”  Simply put, because WE DON’T MATTER.  We (“the 99%”) are to be used, bilked and discarded.

Vaccine activists truly comprehend this scenario because we have had all the evidence all along and it has NEVER MATTERED. The frustration is immeasurable; yet for us, it is “the norm”.

You only need to know three things about vaccines to realize they will have catastrophic consequences: Toxic Ingredients (from the CDC: Tinyurl.com/VaccineContents); Reactions listed on the manufacturers inserts (including death http://novaccine.com/reactions-conditions/) and the ACIP recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule: 72 doses through age 18. Actually, there is one more thing…

Fellow advocate for child survival, Karen Johnston recently re-posted an article that had me dancing a JIG at 3:00 AM in the morning when I read it in 2012, titled “The Vaccine Hoax is Over” (since this article is removed incessantly, I have 3 links to it: http://www.vaclib.org/news/hoaxover.htm, https://archive.fo/A4pKe, https://educate-yourself.org/vcd/vaccinehoaxover29sep12.shtml).  It inspired my third proposed vaccine bill to Congress, “”Ban Vaccines 2013” (now Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeWorld). Why did I DANCE? Because that article proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the INTENTION was in fact to harm us. Although I had been proposing legislation to ban vaccines since 2009, I placed a deadline on it (2013) once the INTENT had clearly been established. This revelation would change everything, or so I thought…  

What I found is that everyone in a position of power already knew but it was an unspoken rule among them to do nothing about it. I’ve sent this article to countless legislators, chosen because it was published by the MSM, “All Vaccines Are Contaminated. Every Last One of Them”. (https://web.archive.org/web/20111203000651/http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november292011/vaccines-contaminated-se.php). Sometimes doing NOTHING is “abuse of power“, don’t you think?

Here is the lone exception in Congress currently, Representative Bill Posey (R-FL). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg_h44mCP1U.

When it comes to the clergy, they too are derelict of duty. Only a handful of clergy of any faith have spoken to warn their flocks (and in some houses of worship, even offer vaccines!). Minister Farrakhan has warned his flock and was seen by 1.5 Billion people from the steps of Congress. Rabbi Handler has warned his flock (watch at 7:47 into video: https://web.archive.org/web/20200331093355if_/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp-3hiy_E_M&gl=US&hl=en).

Baptist Minister Reverend Danny Jones speaks candidly::

As a Catholic I had almost completely given up (the last priest I spoke to about vaccines, upon hearing the word “vaccine” took off running so fast that I wasn’t thinking he didn’t want to talk about vaccines, but thought instead, “I didn’t know priests could run that fast!“).

Then I found this responsible clergyman, Father Robert Altier:

Mainstream Media, especially in the United States have run cover for the mass poisoning of our children, but Alan Jones of Sky News let’s it rip here as it pertains to COVID (https://www.infowars.com/sky-news-host-leads-resistance-against-covid-19-scam/):

You may have heard this, “Once everyone knows what’s in vaccines and the damage they cause, then it will HAVE to stop because the people will demand it!!!”  We’ll see, won’t we?  Practically everyone does know now (or at least has been warned) thanks to the ardent efforts of the vaccine aware and because of the imminent threat to adults themselves (sadly the same adults who ridiculed us for trying to protect the babies from vaccine injury and death).  We actually have the Gates and Faucis of this world to praise regarding people’s heads rearing at the prospect of a forced vaccine (not 33 doses of vaccines, as they give the infants), just one.  We know from our children’s experiences that one will become 70, but just one for an adult was enough to bristle 100,000 people to rise in opposition in London this weekend.

My friend Daz Nez performed just prior to David Icke’s speech and everyone sang along in Trafalgar Square https://www.facebook.com/paulanthonyeurope/posts/10159085473397755. What is the NWO Daz sings about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrUXPn7HCjM. Watch the original song recorded years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niveDrQHFio:

I just interviewed Daz Nez (Darren Smith) about what transpired at Trafalgar Square and discovered an important lawsuit being lodged currently in England to restore freedom as a similar one is lodged here in the USA in Ohio: http://tobtr.com/11820889

Please listen to Journalist Christina England‘s description of the activities at the protest in Central London on 9/26/20: https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/vaccine-free-america-w-sallie-elkordy-sep-26-2020/. Christina is the author of “Vaccination Policy and the UK Government: The Untold Truth”. Her latest article addresses the police’s reactions to protestors depending on the issue they’re addressing: https://wp.me/p2X3AR-IoI.

Why you should NOT take the TEST:

Link to video above: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljxah4NrYKU). If it disappears, please listen to the second recorded video here: http://tobtr.com/11825233. Just now uploaded to bit chute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d7eF5vDATxBq/.

Adults being beaten for not social distancing in the UK (https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-protesters-and-police-officer-hurt-in-clashes-at-anti-lockdown-rally-in-central-london-12082468), children being stolen from their mothers on the street and pregnant women arrested in their homes for participating in a protest in Australia, and adults being body slammed at checkout counters and tazed in gymnasiums in America for not wearing masks (https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1261739257504075&id=100010040387803).

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich states twice in this video that people are being shot for wearing their masks incorrectly in the Philippines! (in case this is removed, please see this link: https://www.brighteon.com/aa072975-9fe9-4606-8592-e5bd3c6373b6)

 Guess it’s our turn to take the poison.

“Vaccine Free America with Sallie Elkordy” ~ Saturdays at 7pm EST (6c/5m/4p) on RepublicBroadcasting.org & Archive Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeAmerica ~ Vaccine Free World:  Tinyurl.com/AmbsVFW ~ Vaccine Victims’ Memorial: Tinyurl.com/VVM2020 ~ Contact: facebook.com/VaccineFreeNYC

P. S. The 4 Stages Narcissists Use to Control People and how it pertains to COVID. This video is transformative, please listen to the end. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMbV9FpGqLk):

P. P. S. Attorney Tom Renz has brought a lawsuit to return his State, Ohio to the OLD NORMAL. Please support this effort and see if a lawyer in your State will do likewise. LISTEN: http://tobtr.com/s/11824591

Short link for this blog update: Tinyurl.com/BeatingAdults.

18 thoughts on “Evidence, Evidence, Evidence ~ Why doesn’t it matter?”

  1. I have already written many blogs about COVID-19. This may be my 8th and I will put all others here in the comments area so you can investigate them. I have also interviewed about 60 people on the issue on my radio shows, most recently Journalist Christina England on RBN’s “Vaccine Free America with Sallie Elkordy” on 9/26/20 (https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/vaccine-free-america-w-sallie-elkordy-sep-26-2020/).

    THIS; however, is breaking news and MORE EVIDENCE: https://www.globalresearch.ca/chief-science-officer-pfizer-says-second-wave-faked-false-positive-covid-tests-pandemic-over/5724753 & https://mises.org/wire/lockdowns-great-reset, both taken from https://www.naturalblaze.com/2020/09/special-masks-with-rfid-chips-more-scientists-doctors-speak-out-about-covid-misinformation.html.


  2. Paul Weston, “Some people appear to be confused about the methodology involved in false positives and false negatives. It is explained here: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-many-covid-diagnoses-are-false-positives- and here: https://lockdownsceptics.org/lies-damned-lies-and-health-statistics-the-deadly-danger-of-false-positives/ if you read these studies and understand them, you will no longer need need to question their veracity here.”


    1. Just ONE MORE THING. Thanks to Dr. Ron Paul, who had a temporary setback and got right back on his horse to deliver this “all important” data (and congrats to the Governor of FL for lifting all restrictions in this knowledge):


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