What is Courage?

The most courageous people I know are tiny. These babies are forced to endure 33 doses of vaccines in infancy. Many die. Back in 2017, I interviewed ten parents in one week who had lost their babies to vaccination. I don’t think even one of them got an apology from their pediatrician. Instead, several were investigated for murdering their children when their only crime was taking their child for a “well baby check up” wherein multiple shots were administered at once.

There is no box for a coroner to check; indicating that a child passed from vaccination, yet *79.4% of children who die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) received a vaccination the same day they died. In many instances, the baby never woke up on the day after the injections. This could only increase the percentage of vaccine-induced SIDS, aka VIDS (vaccine induced death syndrome).

People are worried about the COVID vaccine while the “Vaccine Aware” are trying to stop infant deaths that are transpiring while the COVID vaccine is STILL being developed. We have a much bigger dilemma than the COVID shot may ever amount to, and that is the loss of our babies to vaccines.

I heard yesterday that in Japan, they don’t vaccinate until a child is 3 years old and have no SIDS and no Autism. That’s worth looking at, don’t you think? We’re losing 15% of our infants (viera.scheibner@gmail.com https://www.bitchute.com/video/HuzVxChIQFie/) and 1 in 36 children who survive are autistic. Two thirds of the childhood vaccines are injected within the first two years of life!

Adults must start acting like adults. They must set aside their own issues and FOCUS on protecting the FUTURE. Authorities cannot be trusted, in fact they are the reason our children are dying. As Dr. Lanctot says, “When asked, 80% of people say they don’t trust politicians and only 8% don’t trust doctors. What they don’t realize is that doctors take their marching orders from politicians.”

Did you know that Dr. Boyd Haley said, “One shot to a six pound infant is the equivalent of 30 shots on the same day to a 180 pound adult.”?

Do you realize that pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky stated at a recent Connecticut hearing, ‘My unvaccinated patients are the healthiest, the partially vaccinated are sicker and the fully vaccinated are the sickest.’? (see Tinyurl.com/HealthyUnvaxxed)

Here is a petition to Congress requesting a bill for a “National Memorial to Vaccine Victims to be placed on the Mall in Washington, DC in 2020”. Please sign it: Tinyurl.com/VVM2020. Why would it be placed among the memorials to soldiers? Because Congress declared war on our children when they passed the 1986 Act which lifted product liability from vaccine manufacturers and administrators of vaccines. The vaccine schedule has tripled since then and is 15 times what it was when I was a child in the sixties. Over 70 doses through the age of 18.

The components are unsafe (Tinyurl.com/VaccineContents) and no matter what they contain, vaccines can never be effective (Dr. Shiva Ayadurrai explains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYQ0lwzFgu8).

So beyond murdering our children immediately or injuring and seeing them die before their time, or sterilizing them so they will never procreate, exactly WHAT is the purpose of vaccination?

Here are many facts and 50 interviews with bereaved parents for your edification: Tinyurl.com/YellowVax.

2014 ~ “Vaccine Mandates? FIGHT City Hall!” (press conference) https://www.brighteon.com/efe84fd1-e9de-4a1e-9ece-60f8d991fa6d

2016 ~ “Call for a National Moratorium on Vaccination Now” (DHHS)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGyz177n9Uo

Addressing the National Vaccine Advisory Committee at the US Department of HHS

2017 ~ “End Vaccine Violence” (educational event) https://www.bitchute.com/video/0R3USyCdJg9Y/

2020 ~ “Peculiar Blessing” (interview about COVID) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXBgjfEY49I

The only SAFE regulation for vaccines is a BAN,

Sallie O. Elkordy (Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeNYC)

*NIH: Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997-2013
RESULTS: “VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children. Median age was 0.5 years (range, 0-100 years); males accounted for 1226 (57%) reports. The total annual number of death reports generally decreased during the latter part of the study period. Most common causes of death among 1244 child reports with available death certificates/autopsy reports included:
• sudden infant death syndrome (n = 544 [44%]), 
• asphyxia (n = 74 [6.0%]), 
• septicemia (n = 61 [4.9%]), and 
• pneumonia (n = 57 [4.6%]). 
For child death reports, 79.4% received >1 vaccine on the same day.”
Thank you Walter Kryshak for this important data.

COVID Trance, Spiritual Battle, Crimes Committed, Intent to Harm, Selective Punishment & Justice Coming

The above videos set the groundwork for the ones below and should be listened to in their entirety. The top one is transformative, stay the course for all 4 stages Hypnotherapist John Anthony describes and share with those who believe the current narrative being driven by the depopulists and their minions.

*CRIMES COMMITTED ~ Rabbi Handler makes an appeal to President Trump on behalf of his community, aspects of which pertain to ALL communities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxkTpC7NVWI.

This Just In! The Hassidic community in Brooklyn, New York, set fire to a pile of face masks in protest of lockdown restrictions. https://twitter.com/svnewsalerts/status/1313696596245258240 followed by: “HAPPENING NOW: New York City police officers forcefully dispersing Jews who gathered outside to celebrate the Sukkot holiday.” https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1313342883341258757


The President of Ghana reads aloud the PLAN for COVID (playing out right now): https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/1yo1IWp

Exactly how Dangerous is this Vaccine? Dr. Carrie Madej explains: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z4YYvJVnSwOk/


Although I discuss selective punishment with performing activist Daz Nez regarding how rioters are celebrated while peaceful protestors are beaten http://tobtr.com/11820889, Christina England actually illustrates this in her latest article: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/tyranny-tips-the-scales-at-recent-london-anti-lockdown-protest/

Dr Heiko Shöning speaks after being released from jail in London before he could make a speech in Trafalgar Square and promotes 10/10/20 action in Berlin: https://acu2020.org


Ohio Lawsuit: Attorney Tom Renz, “What Emergency? PROVE IT! Interviews with Jon Rappaport, Part 1: https://audio.solari.com/sr20200921/sr20200921_InterviewHQ.mp3 and Part 2 with Sallie O. Elkordy http://tobtr.com/s/11824591 which also addresses the “stay order” on Pennsylvania‘s WIN to end the lockdown (https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/live/coronavirus-covid-philadelphia-nj-pa-de-cases-testing-updates-news-20201001.html)

London: Piers Corbin Sues Police for damages, wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment and assault. Important test case: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/piers-corbyn-sues-police-important-test-case_mCIWEWStQ4hGbeG.html

Michigan Lawsuit limited assumed authority of the Governor to ACTUAL Authority (subsequent to a 593,000 signature petition!). This was immediately contested by the Governor herself as she doubled down in denial and threatened fines for non-compliance according to a friend in Michigan. Listen to Attorney Katherine Henry (for the people) speak here. Headline reads “Attorney says, ‘BURN YOUR MASKS’ following Supreme Court decision.” https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/857258

American Patriot Council, “Don’t wait for Lawsuits, DOJ make arrests now!” https://www.americanpatriotcouncil.org/cases

International Tribunal on Genocide with Alfred Lambremont Webre on October 10th (on the 11th in Australia). Best explanation of it’s purpose and practical use. https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/MAyvYy4 ~ Write to Alfred N-O-W to participate at Peace@PeaceInSpace.org.


Dr. Ben Tapper speaks for me!

All in, Sallie O. Elkordy ~ Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeNYC

P. S. You don’t want to miss “The Great Reset Explained” by Neil McCoy-Ward: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNsW4ssOBxU and issues pertaining to 5G and 6G are addressed here by Gene Decoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SORGP6IprLo

Support your local food bank.

People are starving in your neighborhood right now!

Just like everything else that’s important, this too is being censored.

The History of OCTOBER Vaccine Injury Awareness Month

LISTEN to ORAL HISTORY: http://TOBTR.com/11822362

Listen to Virginia Young speak about Vaccine Injuries in her family as my guest on “Vaccine Free America” on RBN Saturdays at 7pm. We cover adverse reactions to the Meningitis, Flu, Pneumonia, HIB, Yellow Fever and DTaP Vaccines in this hour long interview. Virginia’s children started “One Night, One Light”: light a candle in memory of the Injured and Deceased from Vaccination every year at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Please listen and share to WARN parents about these realities. Thank you, Sallie O. Elkordy

The History of October Vaccine Injury Awareness Month by Sallie O. Elkordy (Facebook.com/OctoberVaccineInjury):
I co-created OCTOBER Vaccine Injury Awareness Month with Marian Greene of “Truth About Gardasil” in 2010 to prevent Marian from creating “GARDASIL Injury Awareness Month”, knowing that if we called it “VACCINE Injury Awareness Month” instead, our numbers would be huge immediately, which they were.  I recruited Jesse Calhoun, artist for the 2009 “Vaccine Realities Tour” to create a banner announcing the Month.  He asked me what color ribbon I would like and I could only think of the color of mourning which is why the BLACK RIBBON is the symbol of Vaccine Injury.  Jesse is also a musician/composer who wrote and performed the song “H1N1” with his group The Ameros, which can be heard here: Tinyurl.com/RomeAroundTheWorld.  In January, we concentrate on Gardasil (in NYC, where it is “Cervical Cancer Awareness Month” to drive up the use of that vaccine). See two public stands on January 20th in 2015 and 2016 on the steps of NY City Hall in top video:  Tinyurl.com/LegacyHPV
PROMOTIONAL FIRSTS:  Dr. Mayer Eisenstein was the first to upload the artwork to his website.  The first article written about October VIAM was by Paul Fassa for Natural News and the first interview was conducted by Gary Null, PhD on Progressive Radio Network (he has interviewed both Marian and myself on his radio show to promote the month).  
HONOREES:  This is our 11th year and we started celebrating individuals in 2018:  Congressman Bill Posey was the first (https://www.bitchute.com/video/27CpvxyYRjY1/); Journalists Christina England of The Liberty Beacon and. VacTruth and Catherine J. Frompovich of Activist Post and Natural Blaze  for our 10th Anniversary (2019) and this year, 2020 we Celebrate Archivists: Ingri Cassel of VacLib.org, Dr. Viera Scheibner’s Vaccine Research Library and John Scudamore for Whale.to.  
ARTWORK:  Artwork bearing the black ribbon for 2016 through 2020 was produced by Emmy Award-winning artist Joe Jones of Airmail-Greetings.com. His 2017 artwork which calls for an “International Moratorium on Vaccination” (also attached) is; unfortunately, as relevant today as it was then.  Many people have created signs bearing the black ribbon and my personal favorite, by Autism Mother Donna Delikat reads, “I Love Someone who is Vaccine Injured.  October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month.”  
CALENDAR of EVENTS:  Every year I publish a calendar of events for the month encouraging people from all over the world to create them.  I then promote these events on my radio shows and sometimes adapt these interviews to make television programs to air in NYC (and anywhere else people are willing to air them on public access TV).  2020 may be the most difficult year due to restrictions.  Events normally held publicly in person will become virtual events.  None-the-less a calendar will be created to list them by date, instead of by date AND location as was the norm.  We have had events ranging from Brunch gatherings to Parades!  October 31st, Halloween is the biggest day of the year because it is the only day that parents come to you (with their trick or treaters) and we educate them.  We distribute flyers with the artwork on one side and information on the other for the parents and Eileen Dannemann’s scary stickers (which can be purchased on her website:  VaccineLiberationArmy.com) with a scull and cross needles to the kids instead of candy.  
WHAT WILL YOU DO?  Here’s what I’m doing:  On the first of the month I will distribute the artwork to shopkeepers to place in their windows (they all do); on the 12th of the month (Columbus Day) I am planning a boat ride up and down the southern canals of Long Island, NY with the 2020 banner displayed (much the same way “Boaters for Trump” display their signs).  On the 31st, I’m going to sit outside my house with a table filled with information and distribute it to all the parents of Trick or Treaters.  I get hundreds where I live and each year fewer and fewer flyers are discarded by those receiving them.  I know, cause I always walk to the ends of my block to pick up any discarded ones and last year none were.  A milestone!
Please contact me with your events so I can publish and PROMOTE activities.  
Thank you very much, Sallie (latest: Tinyurl.com/BeatingAdults)
P. S. It’s also a good month to promote this petition for a Vaccine Victims Memorial:  Tinyurl.com/VVM2020.

Short link for this blog update: Tinyurl.com/HistoryOCTOBER.