The Legacy of the HPV Vaccine

A recent article by journalist Christina England, author of “Shattered Dreams:  The HPV Vaccine Exposed” for The Liberty Beacon:

The Royal Society of Medicine Questions the Effectiveness of the HPV Vaccine

March 8, 2020:

“Spotlight on HPV Vaccines” took place on 11/11/18 in the UK.  Get to know hosts Christina England and Amanda Dew, mother of an HPV vaccine victim by listening to their remarkable interview together:

I have been interviewing parents and victims of vaccine induced injury or death since 2011 on “The Mary and Sallie Show”.  I do this for one reason, to PROTECT children by educating their parents about typical adverse reactions to vaccines (see pinned interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley which reveals reactions in laymen’s terms, none of which parents are warned about before accepting vaccines:


These interviews with HPV vaccine victims recently changed the mind of a young woman who was bowing to peer pressure in being expected to receive this vaccine.  Her father asked if I had information which might change his daughter’s and wife’s minds.  It worked!  I hope that you will use these interviews to likewise share a dose of REALITY and PREVENT vaccine induced tragedies.

The order I am sharing the radio interviews in, is this:  results from one shot of the HPV vaccine, two shots and then three.

The reactions I have heard are many and varied.  I will list some of them next to the interviews but it is of the utmost importance that you listen to the young women themselves (sometimes their mothers speak for them).  Some of the HPV vaccine victims have stated that they wish they could die from the agony they are experiencing, while many HPV vaccine victims have actually died from these injections.

ONE SHOT of the HPV Vaccine (and reactions): (Katie, age 11:  nausea, abdominal pain, exhaustion, headaches, awakened a tick born disease) (Nicole, in her twenties:  weight loss, low blood pressure, blackouts, excruciating pain when sitting, dizziness, toxic feeling skin, intolerance of food and digestive difficulties, vomiting, migraines, heart palpitations, sensitive to smell and noise, slow to read and difficulty retaining what she has learned, exhaustion)

~ (Anita Vasquez’s INFANT was given ‘4 month shots’ and also Gardasil-9 by mistake.  What ensues is that the child suffers and in trying to get help, the Mother is accused of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxt (MSP) and her child Medically Kidnapped.  Christina England is the host of this episode due to her expertise on the issue of MSP).

TWO SHOTS: (Brittney had an immense number of reactions including the ability to hear blocks away, yet others must whisper around her, emotional breakdowns including screaming and crying, seizures, paralysis comes and goes which started like a hammering in her legs, then numbness and no feelings, sensitive to light requiring blackout curtains, face distorted and morphed several times, migraines that mimic strokes).

~ This three-way conversation is comprehensive indeed! (thanks to Christina England for introducing me to Amanda Dew, the mother of an HPV vaccine victim and for her most recent article about the HPV vaccine which inspired this program:

THREE SHOTS: (developed gillian-barre:  quadriplegic on life support at 12 years old) (psychiatrist said grandfather raped her to cover-up vaccine injuries:  brain damage, seizures and more) (removed gall bladder and appendix which didn’t improve symptoms; the cause was a “Mystery”) (having had both cervical cancer and the HPV shots, Lisa PREFERS CANCER to GARDASIL)


I started “October, Vaccine Injury Awareness Month” back in 2010 with the founder of, Marian Greene.  If you see black ribbons during the month of October, you will know what they represent.  This ribbon grows in popularity yearly as more and more young people fall to vaccination, so it’s popularity is a bitter pill.  Last year, in October we held a worldwide “Concert to End Vaccine Violence” which stressed multi-shot vaccines and the mortality associated with them.  We asked people to participate wherever they lived by holding an event (concert, poetry reading or visual art exhibition  This year we are asking people to hold a “FANTASTIC FORUM:  Mothers of Vaccine Injured Children Testify to Save Humanity!” on October 13th in NYC and will be honoring Congressman Bill Posey for sponsoring legislation for a Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study (  If you conduct such a Forum of Mothers speaking about their damaged children and honor of Rep. Posey where you live, we will update this flyer with your October EVENT’s date/time/place

Yearly events draw attention to our mission to BAN VACCINES and here is the legislation I attempted to have sponsored in 2009/10 which calls out the Gardasil vaccine by name:  I had been attempting to get a sponsor for he new version since 2013, and in 2017, an Executive Order proposed to President Trump:

I have run for public office eight times to OUTLAW VACCINES and will continue to do so until we can stop this atrocity.  Artwork for the latest version of the black ribbon. calls for an International MORATORIUM on Vaccination which I have called for Nationally in 2016 at the agency which oversees the FDA and CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services (video here with the words of Dr. Viera Scheibner beneath, which you can use if you wish to affect a moratorium in your Country too):  This video was created by Otto Lund to support this National call ( from 50 Activists in 30 different States in America who want to see vaccines brought to a screeching HALT (


While traveling across New York State on the VACCINE REALITIES TOUR (to educate the constituents of the legislators who were attempting to increase vaccines, mandate vaccines or administer them without parental consent) with the mother of a Gardasil-injured child, Jodi Speakman and mother of an Autistic child, Heather Rickert Walker, we were prevented from speaking at 150 locations (theaters, churches, veterans halls and not-for-profit organizations).  We started in NYC in a dance studio and finally found another space 10 hours away in Buffalo, NY.  It was at the University of Buffalo where an employee in a wheelchair rented us the space (she may have been in a wheelchair from a vaccine injury).  Of course we paid for the space, but no one else would even accept our money!  This has everything to do with the unacceptability of vaccine induced injury by the uninformed masses.  They saw it as a political issue (which it certainly is because politicians make the rules) and not as ILLNESS.  A mother once expressed to me that if her daughter was suffering from cancer everyone would rally around her and do fundraisers to help with expenses (all of which go directly into the medical industrial complex’s pockets), but because her child was vaccine injured, people scoffed and turned their backs on them.  Nothing is more expensive than a vaccine injury since insurance doesn’t cover the natural products (which are costly) that MAY be able to reverse vaccine injury.  The families could have benefited from fundraisers, but apparently these are relegated only to shoring up the CAUSE of the problem (vaccines), hence the brainwashing is complete!

Seven members of my family are vaccine injured, one from the HPV vaccine, but not as severely as the girls and families I have interviewed above.  Although I have interviewed 1,000 people about theirs or their family’s vaccine injuries, I have to inform you that I have not reported such an exhaustive roster of reactions to any vaccine.

The American College of Pediatricians has reported that the HPV vaccine can cause “early ovarian failure” (and that means sterility):

Injury, Sterility & Death:  this is the Legacy of the HPV Vaccine.

The only SAFE regulation for vaccines is a BAN,

Sallie O. Elkordy, Child Survival Advocate (contact me at

P. S. Please use your local public access TV stations to air programs to educate people regarding the truth about vaccines if you live in America.  This is a FREE service to the community that anyone can use.  Of the 50 different actions I have taken, this one action has had the greatest impact by far.  Please find your local station and start awakening the most misinformed people in the world, the television viewers.  Look up your local station here and contact me if you have questions please:  The horrifying thing is that FEAR of HPV is promoted on these channels to increase uptake of the vaccine as if this were a public service announcement (PSA), so do this if only as PUSH BACK against such tactics!  If you wish to air my show regarding HPV, then contact me and I will send you a copy.

Special thanks to Freda Birrell of for introducing me to many of the Mothers  and Girls I had the privilege of interviewing.

Important contact/resource:  If your State still offers vaccine exemptions to attend school in the USA please look up help by State at Ingri Cassell’s website  If your child has passed away post vaccination, please visit Christina England’s website to avoid being accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome:

Grab a BANNER in 6 different languages and make it your Facebook cover photo throughout OCTOBER, Vaccine injury Awareness Month or  print, distribute them and make banners and T-shirts with them too.  What is important is that we SPREAD the word: